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Learn to be on your own side

Self-connection is the relationship you have with yourself. It’s your birthright. It’s the basis for navigating your life well - relationships, finances, careers, choices, actions, thoughts, emotions, etc. Learn how to cultivate this in your own life.

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    “I wrote this book to help others give up being their own worst enemy. I'm teaching how to cultivate deep self-connection.”

    Julie Ripley

    Bozeman, Montana

    What you get:

    You'll get a quick reading ebook PDF file delivered by email. Then I'll follow-up with a series of emails that guide you through the lessons in the book.

    Why this ebook?

    Do you feel like you're caught on the hamster wheel of self-improvement?

    Self-improvement can feel like a never ending cycle of not being enough - like a constant fixing of what is “wrong” with you. The constant striving and overachieving can be enough to cause you to burn out, seek distractions and not accomplish what matters most to you.

    It doesn’t have to be this way.

    Cultivating self-connection is a journey of discovery, filled with curiosity, wonder and introspection. It’s a constant unfolding of who you were born to be.